New Home! New Projects!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Guys. I've been so busy over these past few months: running my biz in addition to spending a few days a week doing landscape architecture work and then everything else. Even though this space has been a ghost town, I have been doing lots of diy projects behind the scenes, but for some reason haven't felt compelled to share. I think I got overwhelmed with the internet in general - everything moves so quickly and I got tired of feeling dissatisfied if a project I totally loved didn't take off on pinterest or something? And I realize that sounds really stupid... But either way! A break felt like the right thing to do at the time and I figured I'd come back to sharing more regularly when it felt right again. And guess what?!

I'm just about to move into a new apartment (yeah, in that friggin adorable Victorian above) and I'm SO excited to get in there and do it up, and share the process here, too. I have a few project ideas milling around in my head and have already started drawing up multiple floor plans with potential furniture arrangements. I haven't measured any of the rooms, yet, so my plans are not to scale. We'll see if my pieces fit according to my estimates... Wish me luck!

Check back again, soon! I'll be sharing a bunch of stuff over the next few months. ;)



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