
Thursday, August 18, 2011


I'm finally painting the bedroom! This has been the nagging "to do" item on my list since we moved in to our duplex 5 months ago. The bedroom is currently a terrible yellowish/reddish brown. We've got nice, original hardwood floors in there that we love - but they are also brown. The living room and hallway is, you guessed it, brown. A nicer shade, but still brown nonetheless. Too much brown! I had a tiny bit of primer left over from my studio paint job, so the other day I came home from work and decided to get the ball rolling!

Check out that ugly sheen!
I didn't move the furniture or anything, just wanted to slap some primer on so I would be more motivated to finish the job this weekend. I ended up priming about 1/4 of the room with the leftover primer that I had. Now comes the tough part, choosing a color. My boyfriend and I picked this color out for the bedroom way back when we first moved in.

It's Morning Fog from Martha Stewart at Home Depot. I has nice shades of blue, green, and gray, but the more I look at it, the more I think it might be too subdued. I'm thinking of maybe going a little more saturated with something like Artesian Well:

Or Ice Rink:

I'd like to keep it in the blue/green family, but something light enough to be a neutral. All of these colors coordinate with the Whetstone Gray I have in my office. What do you think?


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